The Event

Δείτε μια διαφορετική πειραματική ανταλλαγή απόψεων του δημάρχου της Αθήνας με τους δημότες όπου όλοι υποδύονται τους ρόλους τους και προσπαθούν να συνεργαστούν για το καλύτερο αποτέλεσμα για την πόλη. Μήπως το Polypolis θα έπρεπε να συστηματοποιηθεί από τους δημιουργoυς του (sarcha) και να υιοθετηθεί ως εργαλείο για να ακούει και να συζητά ο δήμαρχος με τους δημότες για την απο κοινού επίλυση των προβλημάτων?

Μερικές ενδιαφέρουσες σκέψεις για το παιχνίδι

~ Reflections & Feedback ~ 

by Maria Bakari 

2 main directions of feedack: 1. What went well ~ 2. Even better if... 

On the conversations, teamwork and decisions of the game:

Your framing, Maria, was beautiful and simple highlighting how you have listened to the area, its past and potential while conducting the work. The real problems/issues informed the game, which is a fabulous, real, resoanant way to see, explore, collaborate and find solutions. I felt the Mayor felt the specialty of this chance, with this game and definitely recognised the work and its many dimensions, however there was not enough time/space (within him probably first) to fully see this as a real opportunity for civic engagement with extraordinary potential for improvement. In his words I could see his huge care but at the same time his suffocation within the administration system itself, the old patterns, the “responsibilities” of the municipality, and the trap of “building arguments” which is a characteristic in the political attitude anyway here, instead of rising above circumstances, offering vision, touching upon the unconventional and the divergent, creative mind, i.e. leadership qualities. He was appealed by the vision but he could not speak that. Among the issues, I saw his priority being the social coherence and development, which is great.

Along the course of the game, again, I saw this attitude rising... the “competition” among arguments and even more the expectation of certain proposals to be approved or gain more power (over others) by the municipality ~ it's like the citizens don't believe in their own authority, in their own potential to shift things. Amazing ideas were shared ~ and I thought again, “What fantastic ideas~generators we are, as people!” . Although not much collective thinking seemed to be happening, there was common support of each group's ideas by the members. I thought the video clips with the interviews were just powerful! They were the stimuli and were framing the discussions so well while really giving the sense of the real issues! They were THE stories! The discussions brought forward the variety of issues with safety being the most important and the key~condition for anything else to start working... and they stumbled on the legal frameworks and the instritutions many times, something that may indicate the depth of shift that needs to happen in the whole system. Banking system and funding being a core one. The ideas that were heard and finally won the game came from the shop~owners, the merchants, the entrepreneurs and they were listened to because the were conscise and clear. They were logical, feasible and flexible giving alternatives: grounded AND creative.  It made me think of the amazing ~historically and beyond~ enterprising potential of this Land and her people! And I think somebody actually said it at the end: “Who would you expect to bring about change but the entrepreneurs!...” 

My key~reflection here is the realisation of the significance of TRUST that our society needs to cultivate in order to move forward. And it has to come through friendships, through building relationships: that always starts from the self, which is  fragile and with low esteen at the moment. This is our role: joining forces of likeminded people boosts confidence and sense of efficacy that then can work miracles!

On the process ~
I loved the videos: Powerful and serving the procedure so well!
The role of the coordinator of the game was just right: keeping the time, keeping the process going, offering clarifications, being to point, being clear,  being strict when she needed to be. Excellent! Was she Stefania?!... ;-)
The Guardian was/were (there 2?!) also great! Really in the role ~although sometimes sticking with the letter of the law and serving the protection through that point! (which is not the only way, methinks! :D) 

The teams felt to me that they needed more time befor they started to get into their roles. Can this be done before the start of the game? This would also make good use of the time; because that was loose in the beginning.
Alternative currency: Fabulous! Wonder if there is any other role it can serve beyond the “value of each proposal made” ?... 

Framing and preparation before the start of the game in various contexts feels really key ~ And in order to strengthen the “collective intelligence” and feel of togetherness here this could be done with a circle setting...
This element: setting is something neglected in this country in the context of gatherings and meetings. It really carries a lot of power. You as an architect can see it, I'm sure! :) In social architecture/design where we are and how we are able to interact from that position matters enormously... it actually gives value to the process and the message, accordingly.
Also: The closing matters equally. How we wrap up and what's the collective sense of the result can be significant for the learning on individual as well as group level.
I liked the celebratory way of closing with the awards but somehow the essence of the game, which is its real ability to offer collective decisions, collaboration and solutions, was not highlighted ~not necessarily in practice (if that wasn't reached) but in the consciousness of the people involved.
~Live~Streaming: Simply THANK YOU!

 On the bigger picture about systemic change in Greece:

I could really see our strong point of navigating in the unknown, responding well in unpredictable circumstances ...not needing to know everything before hand. The improvisation: which is a huge gift, if only we realise what's happening in the world and in our Land today and move from apathy or the attitude to stick with the  κεκτημένα~the given! I clearly heard the power of necessity being the key ruler and guiding people in specific ~not fluffy~ actions... I saw the beauty of the intergenerational mix and the need to sit older and younger generation together and share stories... of evolution, survival, achievement, courage, success and failure, journeys in the world, immigration, setting up businesses out of nothing, zero, μηδέν. I saw the need for inspiration, especially coming from teamworking, from friendships and parea... and I saw many many solutions coming forth through our filoxenia and our filotimo and through connecting our remarkable talents!...
I saw the need for building trust as the instrument and foundamental condition for initiating transformation. It's real ~ and vulnerability is both our weakness and our strength at this moment in history.
We are amazing dancers in self~organisation ~ Let's do it!...
~What if the Mayor commited to be there for the whole game? 

  How could that be achieved? What does he need in order to see the value of this?

~What if we started the game with getting to know each other and allowing arrival for everyone and for the groups?...
~What if the game happened with the actual stakeholders in Gerani?...
~What would be the ideal or important contexts to play POLYPOLIS?...
~What are the design changes that are asked to be done in terms of space as well as process to allow better flow?
~What would make the game more playful and effective?

~~~ ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΩ για την Ευ~καιρία & την Έμπνευση Μαρία Θεοδώρου και Sarcha & Ντόρα Γιαννάκη, για να μην ξεχνάμε τους insightful connectors!~  Danke to Frauke for the parea and the space for meta~harvesting throughout the Game ~ I really enjoyed it! 

Feedback from Maria Scordialos

I would like to offer my reflections too - which are going to be minimal because I was not able to watch as much as I wanted to - however - I am also listening in between the lines to the subtle voice that I heard in the little that I watched - and also offer from my own experience of hosting:

  • I want to honour again the courage of the work you are hosting Maria T - I know it comes from necessity - but until we connect to courage (coeur - heart in French) - then we do not act - so you are doing this and therefore transforming necessity into opportunity and you are doing this through giving an example of courageous leadership.  So - the act of creating Polypolis and offering it in the way you are (without any outcomes from the game) on its own is an act of leadership - which is one of the systemic transformation points our country needs in order to meet it's next level of future.
  • Having the Mayor there was very important - not so much for his position - but I feel more for his own growth and widening of perspective - especially in understanding that the role of a Mayor or anyone in leadership is to host - create the conditions for citizen agency.  I am wondering what is the follow up action that needs to be taken with him - a conversation, etc. so that he can be supported to reflect 'within himself' to see what he has learned from this experience?
  • I was watching you host the overall process on your own (I could be wrong here) and so wanted to be with you - in my experience hosting such complex processes - needs at least two if not a field of three or four.  You were so grounded and 'there' - but I am wondering how much more potential could have been opened with a few more co-hosting?
  • I too saw in a very short time how another systemic transformation point for our country is releasing the creative enterprising and entrepreneurial spirit that is just part of our souls - and this made my heart sing because it gave more credence to the Social Innovation Zone that we are talking about - and I really saw how the Polypolis game can help us to find the actual location and also be part of how citizens begin to engage to identify the opportunity areas where enterprising needs to go to work
  • I am so sad I could not be with you - primarily because the piece I wanted to add was how to 'harvest' or collect the key insights that came up from the game - and having a small 'cafe conversation' would allow people to get a deeper sense of achieving collective clarity/intelligence together, which will make the process of the game stronger.  I know we will do this together and experience the power of people harvesting their collective intelligence - a really important part of this.  I am looking to see if I can be with you in London on 23 June - but I am not sure right now.